Thursday, September 18, 2008

oh boy!

Just been planning the trip to New Zealand! We are renting a car and driving around the entire south island for 12 days. We just found our route and planned some things we want to do along the way including... swimming with dolphins in the wild! I have wanted to do that since I was probably about 8 so I am really excited! Check out the website of where we are going--there is an awesome video and it looks I can't believe we are going to be able to do that!
We decided we are really going to rough it so we don't spend too much money on hostels and food that way we can do and see as much as possible.
We are pretty much going to sleep in the car most nights... except when we decide that we need a shower and a decent nights sleep lol. And we are basically just going to buy some bread, peanut butter and other cheap food as we go. We are going to get to see SO much so it is def. worth it.
Also pretty excited about the exchange rate there right now. I am planning on spending no more than 1000 NZ dollars and that is only about 650 US dollars right now! YAY! I am going to try REALLY hard to come home with at least 1000 dollars... otherwise I think I am going to be FUCKED... I can't believe in several months I have to think about job, apartment, car etc. AHHH...
But until then I will think about my dolphins in New Zealand...

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