Friday, October 17, 2008

YAY for NOT doing work when you are supposed to!

So... basically I still have not started ANY work that I am supposed to. But I figure that is okay since this week has been pretty darn awesome. Went shopping with Adrienne and Amy yesterday for the ERA Ball. Of course, we started out saying okay we are only going to spend about 50-60 dollars. In the end we all spent about 150... whooops. But we def. have some really cute dresses for the occasion!
My block is SOOO quite right now. Sarah moved out, not that we really saw her all that much but Eric is now also not here during the week because he has prac (basically an internship). So it is Conal, Jake, Josh and I basically. Although it is weird, it is also kinda nice cause we are basically having a great time together. We all went to the inter-college (inter-dorm) talent show yesterday night. Josh was persuaded to sing and he won for best solo voice! yaaaaay! It was pretty cool hearing everybody sing and stuff. A lot of fun!
Today I am going to the beach with the girls, and getting a bit of a tan before the ball. Can't wait to post on how the ball goes... should be pretty EPIC.
Miss you all!
ps. can I just say how much Uconn sucks? Not really... i love uconn... I just mean the administration. So I am trying to figure out where to go to grad school and gage what I have to do to get in. So I emailed Uconn about 4-5 weeks ago about the Psychology program. I JUST got on answer and it is brief and does not answer my questions. It basically is the standard email they send out to anyone who emails the graduate psych department: saying basically look at the website if you have questions. yea did that. great. thanks.
However, the head of the graduate psych department at Assumption college (a college who has no idea who I am) emails me directly back, with a lengthy personal email answering ALL of my questions and more AND just sent a follow-up email offering a personal meeting and tour when I get back to the states.
Yea... so basically Assumption is looking pretty good right now...

1 comment:

The Anglophile said...

i think the only reason that happened is because uconn is a huge state school so of course they'd send some automated e-mail. it looks like assumption is probably a smaller school, they pay more attention to detail? it looks like you're having a blast! I'd mainly say the same about me, but again, roommate drama happened :-( i don't want my time here to end, but in some respects I do too!
